Fixed an issue where Reason 12.5 was prevented from starting on Windows.
Reason instantly toggles the automated button off in some cases. Automation lanes weren't created for on/off toggle buttons on some plugins. Automation Override did not reset properly in Blocks view. Fixed an issue where Spectrasonics VST3 Instruments could take minutes to load. Fixed an issue where S-Gear VST3 would not process audio. Fixed an issue where Rob Papen VST3s could crash. PSP Audioware VST3 meters now meter correctly, as meters should. Fixed an issue where Neural DSP Archetype Rabea VST3 could freeze Reason. FabFilter Pro-Q3's VST3 "solo" button did not work. Efx Fragments VST3 was mistakenly categorized as Utilities, not Effects. Editing parameters could result in a “laggy” sound. Delete and Undo would sometimes result in a weird sound. Fixed several issues affecting Arturia plugins. Fixed an issue where you were unable to control functions inside the AcidboxV2 plugin. Better keyboard hotkeys and keyboard focus handling for VST3, now typing text in several plugins works as expected.
Fixed an issue where Reason 12.5 aborts plugin scanning.
Fixed an issue where Waves VST3 shell took a long time to scan on Windows.General bug fixes and stability improvements in VST3 hosting.Several fixes and improvements for VST3 support.